dockThe process of Saranagati is humility, rejecting everything unfavorable to devotion, accepting anything favorable, faith in the Lord as one's sole protector and maintainer, and total dedication of the self. 

Devotees who pioneered this project committed their lives and resources to building a spiritual community for themselves, their families and others.

Govardhana Academy is a school dedicated to spiritual education, is a humble attempt at serving our glorious Krsna and Balarama, who have shown to particularly appreciate the simple hearts of children. We hope to invest in the children's love for Them.    

Our goal is to provide a spiritualized, personalized, professional Krsna conscious education centre, whereby the entire community can contribute to the investment and enrichment of the children. Through a partnership between the staff, the parents, and other community volunteers, we aim to ensure academic success along with knowledge of practical life skills. Classes on Vedic scriptures and devotional activities serve as the integral part of the identity and value of Govardhan Academy.    

Thus, our mission is that our students learn to see every activity, field of knowledge, resource or relationship as an ingredient for service to the Supreme Lord, thereby identifying themselves as Vaisnavas throughout their lives



Srila Prabhupada realized that varnasrama allows people to succeed in spiritual life.  When a follower reminds him that Lord Caitanya rejected varnasrama, he replies, “Our position is different.” And that by developing daivi varnasrama – adjusted for modern conditions – we can give an opportunity for every person, regardless of their individual material nature, to obtain spiritual perfection.

Human prosperity flourishes by natural gifts and not by gigantic industrial enterprises. The gigantic industrial enterprises are products of a godless civilization, and they cause the destruction of the noble aims of human life. The more we go on increasing such troublesome industries to squeeze out the vital energy of the human being, the more there will be unrest and dissatisfaction of the people in general. …

The ISKCON Saranagati Temple is striving to facilitate deep immersion into the teachings and practices of Krishna consciousness, especially chanting Hare Krishna, as taught by Srila Prabhupada.  


Daily from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm   
Except Sundays noon to 8:00 pm


See the website