Our annual Saranagati Ratha-Yatra takes place on Sunday, June 29th, 2025, in our beautiful scenic valley and lake. Help pull Lord Jagannath's cart at the Ratha Yatra parade at noon and continuing at lakeside festival site park until sundown.
- Ecstatic Kirtans, dancing and drama
- Old fashioned farm-style games
- Prasadam (delicious & free vegetarian feast)
- Local arts & crafts and books
- Entertainment, plays, dancing and singing
- Evening of music and drumming by the lake
- We ask that you not park directly down near the pavilion unless you need to due to service for the festival or for those who are unable to make it down the hill. There is plenty of parking up top
- Please no dogs at the festival site
- Please make sure you and your guests understand that swimming in the lake is not being supervised.
- Please make sure you and your guests bring water bottles. There will be water available. let’s do Mother Earth a favour and be more green.
- Visit our hump cows as they graze in fenced areas of Saranagati Village
- Devotees in Vancouver area can find information about transportation options at the Vancouver Iskcon webpage
The word “yatra” means journey, or tour. For Lord Jagannatha’s ratha yatra, the means of transport for Lord Jagannatha, Balarama and Subhardra is by way of chariot, or ‘car’. This chariot vehicle is known as “ratha”.
Those who have the good fortune to view the Jagannatha deities, or who help to pull the chariots along on their ropes, are benedicted by the Lord during the ratha yatra parade.
Srila Prabhupada very simply explained the meaning of Ratha Yatra. He said that Ratha Yatra is the meditation on bringing Krishna back into our hearts.