Saranagati Village is home to a community of practitioners of bhakti and followers of Srila Prabhupada. The collection of individual off-grid homesteads is spread across 10 kilometers in beautiful Venables Valley located near Ashcroft, BC, a four hour drive from Vancouver.
When Prabhupada began ISKCON he formulated a clear mission statement. One of the 7 Purposes is to bring the members closer together for the purpose of teaching a simpler, natural way of life.
The foundation for the enthusiasm and dedication to this mission comes from the daily practical application of spiritual principles. The foundational principles are:
Chanting 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra each day.
Following the four regulative principles of:
- No meat eating
- No intoxication
- No illicit sex
- No gambling
When our community started in 1982, the devotees who pioneered this project committed their lives and resources to building a spiritual community for themselves, their families and other like-minded devotees. Spiritual association is the essence of spiritual advancement.
Our community is managed by SARANAGATI VILLAGE HOLDINGS INC, (SVHI), a British Columbia company that provides a community environment which supports and promotes the practice of Krishna Consciousness.
SVHI is a land holding company and does NOT provide guest services:
- no guest facility, restaurant or shops
- no accommodation or short term rentals
- no bhakta program, instead see ISKCON Saranagati Temple