Fair Voting for SVHI

There have been many voting irregularities and we need to change our voting system for that it is fair, easy to use and confidential

Proposed changes to voting system:

  1. Members who cannot attend AGM can vote electronically (eVote)

Proposed changes to SVHI governance: 

  1. SVHI bylaws must be finalized and sent to every member
  2. SVHI bylaws are made available online, updated with future changes to bylaws.


In September 2018 SVHI members voted to implement electronic voting.  In April 2019, an eVote system was presented to the board for testing and review.

eVote Benefits:

    •    AGM is shorter (maybe more people will attend)
    •    every shareholder votes on AGM proposal and directors
    •    members can see discussion before voting
    •    long time frame for voting… even vote after AGM (think and talk about issues)
    •    eVoting saves paper

Click here for demonstration of an eVote system using Google Forms

Click here for demonstration of an eVote system for an AGM


Proxy Issues

  • proxy voting is complicated and time consuming
  • absentee voters are forced to find a proxy to vote
  • It’s difficult, if not impossible, for a shareholder  to find out if the vote was cast as instructed and properly counted.
  • proxy system can be used to collect votes for proposals

Abstention Issue

In Saranagati, the common definition given regarding abstention voting is that it falls on the side of the winning numbers. But how is that? I’m not voting for it, or even against it! This logic is confusing. I’m not convinced, yes or no, so I vote the third option (the only other option they are giving me): abstention. We think these are our only choices. But they aren’t. Don’t vote yes, no, or abstain. Just don’t vote.
Abstention means that you are neither for nor against the proposal—you are just not convinced either way! So if this is the case, don’t vote on this particular proposal.  In “Roberts Rules” on how to conduct meetings, it clearly states that by abstaining you are refraining to vote. Therefore, just don’t vote on that proposal. 

History of Voting Irregularities

The 2018 AGM featured a number of voting issues.  The voting procedures were not clear, in particular proxy votes.  A number of irregularities occurred: